
Vortex Tour 2019: San Francisco -- Paris -- Nuremberg -- Paris -- S.F. -- Shasta -- NYC

Meet me for a vortex tour!

USA: California: San Francisco
January 24 & 25

France: Paris
Jan. 27, 28

Germany: Nuremberg
Jan. 29
Feb. 4, 5

France: Paris
Feb. 6

USA: California: San Francisco
Feb. 8 & 9

USA: California: Mt. Shasta & southern Oregon
Feb. 10 & 11
Or, any other time by appointment.

USA: New York City
Feb 14 & 15

I'm hoping to meet facebook friends and vortex researchers during my trip to Germany for the Toy Fair. ( spielwarenmesse.de )
While I'm traveling, I'll be visiting ley lines, vortexes, and energetic sites. Not the usual tourist sites. Come along. I'd like to have a travel buddy while I'm exploring vortexes. Do you know folks who I should meet on my travels? Please introduce us.

Join me for any part of the Vortex Tour. Travel in January during the off-season to get the best prices and avoid the crowds. Right now tickets (from the US) to Paris are very inexpensive. I paid less than $400 roundtrip.

ask@danshaw.com to arrange a tea, or a tour.
Free / by donation.


Marketing Style Guide: Choosing & Specifying your Color Palette

Your Style Guide should include your colors, in print, their html codes, and also pantone (and / or other pigments and paints).
Here's and example from my client, Gloria Natalia, Makeovers from the Heart.


Color Palette

The palette consists of at least one predominant color, a secondary color, and a highlight color.

Predominant: Purple
Secondary: Rose
Tertiary: Teal

HTML Colors

To specify colors exactly for the web, designers use HTML (“hypertext markup language”) color codes. Printed colors will vary. More info at www.html-color-codes.com

Predominant: Purple 330066
Secondary: Rose CC0000
Tertiary: Teal 003333 / 006666


Tealish 5440 – 6 *
Read the complete set of Dan's marketing articles.