
Nestle Privatizing Water Across the US: Wells, Maine, Attempt: Bad Track Record

The meeting on Sunday is the 22 of June at the UU Church in Kennebunk at 6:00PM. The hearing is on Wednesday June 25th at 3:00 at the Kennebunk and Wells Water District, where PBS will be having a press conference there at 2:00PM before the hearing.
selectman's meeting voted 3 to 2 to request water district delay

Joe Hardy of Wells went to the selectman's meeting and
> they voted 3 to 2 to send a letter to the water district requesting
> a delay of signing the contract. The well head is located in Wells.
> Hope to see you all this Sunday. Does anyone has a projector screen
> that they could loan to us?
> Many thanks for your support! Please read the York County Coast
> Star tomorrow (Thursday) as they are doing an big article about the issue. The
> reporter seemed to be supportive.


The PBS McNeill News Hour is doing an expose on bottled water and they will be attending a press conference Wednesday June 25 at 2:00 next to the Kennebunk, Kennebunkport and Wells Water District. Then the "public" meeting is at 3:00pm at the Water District office on Main street in Kennebunk. After the meeting the Water Board is expected to vote for the contract between Nestle and the water district.
Since PBS and local media will be there it would be great to have water activists from all over the REGION to attend so they can see just how passionate people feel about this issue.
Here is my cell if you want to talk. 603.969.8426 Jamilla
PLEASE PASS THE WORD to get people to next Wednesday's meeting as well as the meeting on Sunday.
Below is a message from Peter Thompson who is a geologist from UNH and who is active both in SOG and the Neighborhood Guardians (NG).
The important message that I would convey is this: The town needs to
Know what kind of aquifer is being tapped. If it's a sand-and-gravel
Aquifer, then the adverse impact may be less, and the effects will be
Easier to predict and monitor than for a bedrock aquifer.
Here are a few of the first results from a google search with the keywords, "nestle water town lawsuit whistleblower court":

2004: Nestlé is named as the worst of the baby food companies once again...It is not yet over...

Chocolate and Confectionery Industry Antitrust and Class Action Lawsuit Investigation

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - A U.S. federal court revived a lawsuit on Monday against Gerber Products which alleges the company deceptively marketed its Fruit Juice Snacks for toddlers.

Most Environmental News Not Good in 2007
by: Eartha Jane Melzer
Monday (12/31) at 13:04 PM
"In a citizen lawsuit that challenged the Nestle corporation for the damaging effects of its water bottling operation on the watershed, the Michigan Supreme Court overturned a key provision of the Michigan Environmental Protection Act, the law that gives citizens standing to sue when a company does environmental damage."

Crocodyl is a collaboration sponsored by CorpWatch, the Center for Corporate Policy and the Corporate Research Project.
Nestlé is a multinational packaged food company founded and headquartered in Vevey, Switzerland. It results from a merger in 1905 between the Anglo-Swiss Milk Company for milk products established by the Page Brothers in Cham, Switzerland, in 1866 and the Farine Lactée Henri Nestlé Company set up in 1867 by Henri Nestlé to provide an infant food product. Several of Nestlé's brands are globally renowned, which made the company a global market leader in many product lines, including milk, chocolate, confectionery, bottled water, coffee, creamer, food seasoning and pet foods. The company stock is listed on the SWX Swiss Exchange. Some of Nestlé's business practices have been considered unethical, especially the manner in which infant formula has been marketed in developing countries, which led to the Nestlé boycott from 1977.

Nestle, Danone accused on baby milk substitutes
A study in the British Medical Journal has alleged that manufacturers of powdered baby milk substitutes - including Nestle and Danone - are violating international codes on baby milk promotion in Africa.

“Given that 80% of the PET produced in the United States ends up in a Coca-Cola, Pepsi or Nestlé beverage container, we thought that it would be useful to highlight the direct links these bottled water producers have with the largest oil, chemical and plastic corporations on the planet. This analysis will help complete a picture of who is profiting from supplying oil based plastic to the bottled water industry and that the players in this supply chain are some of the worst environmental polluters of our time.”


CEO: Joe Weller
Contact the Corporation: Nestlé USA
800 N. Brand Blvd.
Glendale, CA 91203
Phone: 818-549-6000
Fax: 818-549-6952

Human Rights Violations: Abusive child labor, repression of worker rights, aggressive marketing of harmful products, violation of national health and environmental laws

Hershey and Nestle Chocolate Factories Want to Sell you "chocolate" containing NO chocolate

Nestle's Poland Spring bottled water...does not come from a spring and is not completely safe."

Drinking Water for Sale
Monday, May 7th, 2007

Bottled drinking water is an $11 Billion per year US industry, and the withdrawal of water has been referred to as a “Blue gold rush.”

How Corporations Drain Our Aquifers for Profit (Part 1)
Natural News, June 11, 2008
A modern water war is raging in the tiny town of McCloud, California, snuggled at the base of Mt. Shasta. The enormous conglomerate, Nestlé, managed to extort a contract with the financially strapped town's board members. They were so broke that they couldn't afford an attorney to help guide them through the process.




Plastics, health impacts, hormone mimics and endocrine disruptors

Center for Community Action and Environmental Justice (CCAEJ)

Exposures can also result from consuming drinking water contaminated with endocrine disrupting substances, and from plastic containers leaching these chemicals into our food.
(also lists endocrine disrupting substances)


Aquifer Types and Terminology




Contact Nestle Waters North America

If you have a question or comment about Nestlé Waters North America Inc., please feel free to send us a note at:

Nestlé Waters North America
Attention: Corporate Website
777 West Putnam Avenue
P.O. Box 2313
Greenwich, CT 06830

or call:


Weekdays from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM Eastern Time.

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