
 Earth Magic - Physiology: Colors

Dan Shaw 2025 ©

This document is designed to accompany Earth Magic Comprehensive Introduction course, and to stimulate further research.

Color plays a vital role in Earth Magic. Use this chart to suggest ways for you to use colors to more deeply connect to places; for physical healing, psychic opening and for harmonizing the planet. What colors do you love? Which do you lack? Would you like a chakra activation? Each chakra corresponds to a color. Wanting to balance the energy of a room? Re-balance the colors. Gaze at colors, apply them to your body, eat them, visualize breathing colors. Places have a dominant visual color, yes, but close your eyes and look at the place with your intuition and you may sense a different color “vibe”. (This version is a work in progress, add your own notations.)

Free Color Therapy Gazing webpage

I wanted to see what Amalfi green looked like on my computer screen, so I created


Enter a color code into the dialog box.

Amalfi #A9DFBF

Or do indigos

Indigo: #4B0082

Deep Indigo: #310062

Electric Indigo: #6F00FF

Blue Indigo: #3F00FF

Vivid Indigo: #9F00FF

Look at any/ all the colors, to feed your eyes and brain. To enter an expanded state, gaze at a barely visible gray (code 333333) in a dark room.

Animals Sensitive to Stimuli Outside Human Range

In an earlier session we spoke of the importance of tuning in to the animals to help us sense vortexes. Animals have both sight and hearing outside of human range.

Ultrasonic Hearing (Above 20,000 Hz)
Bats: Use echo-location to navigate and hunt.
Dolphins: Communicate and navigate using high-frequency clicks and whistles.
Dogs: Can hear higher frequencies than humans, which is why dog whistles work.
Cats: Also have a wider hearing range than humans, particularly in the high-frequency range.
Mice and Rats: Communicate using ultrasonic vocalizations.
Owls: Have sensitive hearing that allows them to detect prey movements.

Infrasonic Hearing (Below 20 Hz)
Elephants, Giraffes, Whales, Hippos, Rhinoceroses

Greater Wax Moth can hear ultrasonic frequencies up to 300 kHz, which helps them evade bats

Color Therapy Wavelengths and Frequencies

Therapists use various kinds of instruments and equipment to generate precise frequencies for a Broad Range of Applications.

Color Wavelength (nm) & Frequency (THz)
Violet 380 - 450 668 - 789
Blue 450 - 495 606 - 668
Green 495 - 570 526 - 606
Yellow 570 - 590 508 - 526
Orange 590 - 620 484 - 508
Red 620 - 750 400 – 484

Wavelengths are measured in nanometers (nm) and frequencies in terahertz (THz). The visible spectrum ranges approximately from 380 nm (violet) to 750 nm (red). As Barbara Hero explains, because of the law of octaves you can translate Terahertz directly into Hertz, e.g. 526 terahertz is equivalent to its harmonics of 526 and 52.6 Hertz for our purposes.

Frequency Correspondences

I compiled numerous sources at https://www.vortexmaps.com/hertz.php , here's an excerpt:

33 Christ consciousness, hypersensitivity, Pyramid frequency (inside)

35 - 150 Fractures AT

35 - 193 Arthralgy AT

35 Awakening of mid-chakras, balance of chakras

38 Endorphin release WL

40 dominant when problem solving in fearful situations. EQ

40-60 anxiolytic effects and stimulates release of beta-endorphines MG

43 - 193 Carcinomatosis AT

50 dominant frequency of polyphasic muscle activity, mains electrical in U.K. EQ

50 Slower cerebral rhythms

55 Tantra, kundalini*

60 electric power lines

63 Astral projection*

70-9,000 Voice spectrum MP1

70 Mental and astral projection

72 Emotional spectrum

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
Red: Blood, heart, small intestine, warmth, vitality.
Yellow: Spleen, stomach, digestion, nourishment.
Green: Liver, gallbladder, detoxification, growth.
White: Lungs, large intestine, purification, clarity.

Black: Kidneys, bladder, fear, deep water, essence.

Red: Root chakra (Muladhara), survival, grounding.
Orange: Sacral chakra (Svadhisthana), creativity, sexuality.
Yellow: Solar plexus chakra (Manipura), power, self-esteem.
Green: Heart chakra (Anahata), love, compassion.
Blue: Throat chakra (Vishuddha), communication, truth.
Indigo: Third-eye chakra (Ajna), intuition, perception.
Violet: Crown chakra (Sahasrara), spirituality, connection.

Colors Correspond with Cardinal Directions

Naturally, traditions vary.

East (often associated with the color Red): Represents the beginning, new life, and the rising sun.
South (often associated with the color Yellow): Symbolizes warmth, growth, and the energy of the sun at its peak.
West (often associated with the color Black or Blue): Represents the end, introspection, and the setting sun.
North (often associated with the color White): Symbolizes purity, wisdom, and the cold winds.

Examples of Specific Tribal Associations:
Lakota (Sioux): East - Yellow, South - White, West - Black, North - Red
Navajo: East - White, South - Blue, West - Yellow, North - Black

Feng Shui Color Correspondences
East (associated with the element of Wood): Green - Symbolizes growth, vitality, and new beginnings.
South (associated with the element of Fire): Red - Represents passion, energy, and fame.
West (associated with the element of Metal): White, Gold, Silver - Symbolizes clarity, precision, and purity.
North (associated with the element of Water): Blue, Black - Represents wisdom, calmness, and depth.
Center (associated with the element of Earth): Yellow, Brown - Symbolizes stability, nourishment, and grounding.

Suggested reading:

Spiritual nutrition and the rainbow diet, by Gabriel Cousens


(log in to borrow)

Chromotherapy, Darius Dinshah

Applying to the whole body. “The whole body is an eye.”


Colorpuncture, Peter Mandel

Applying color to the acupuncture points.


Lumatron color therapy device by Dr. John Downing

The light stimulation of the PhotonWave helps relax the optic nerve and opens it up to receive light into the brain. It also helps to re-balance the hormones and nervous system thus giving new messages to the body. FCFTester provides a simple and efficient way to measure the Visual Form Field, The Visual Color Fields and the Blind spot, using a normal personal computer.


via VortexMaps.com

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