

Earth Magic – Geomancy – Course

Comprehensive Introduction


Dan Shaw © 05/28/24

Foreword (optional) How I became The Vortex Detective.

  1. Overview, syllabus. Vortex phenomena and photos.

  2. How vortexes look and feel. How to identify, how to visit.

  3. Biophysics and geophysics. Our electro-magnetic body and the magnetosphere.

  4. Vortexes affect the five senses. Texture and temperature, aromas and foods, inner ear sense of motion.

  5. Archaeo-acoustics. Acoustics of vortexes and built structures, and their affects on us.

  6. Archaeo-optics.

  7. Geology. Energetic (electro-magnetic and beyond) properties of soil, minerals, and stones.

  8. Anatomy of an Earth Energy Lines and Vortexes, size, shape, etc.

  9. The Earth Grid.

  10. Geometry and sacred geometry.

  11. Dowsing. Tools and techniques.

  12. Earth energy healing tools and techniques for humans.

  13. Dissonant, harmful energies.

  14. Harmonizing techniques and tools for the Earth.

  15. Cleansing and sanctifying places.

  16. Energy devices and monuments. How to build them.

  17. Ancient Civilizations. Catastrophism and amnesia.

  18. Astronomy. Sky energies: Moon, planets, stars. Ecliptic, Milky Way. Skyscape and precession in relation to the horizon and the viewer, and building orientations.

  19. Ancient Monuments.

  20. Baubiology. Energy of buildings, inside and outside:

  21. Geophysical time cycles. Chronobiology.

  22. Technology useful for Earth Energies research.

  23. Maps required.

  24. Visionary Maps: Eleven types of visionary maps.

  25. Case Studies: America, France, Bermuda Triangle, Yosemite, more.

  26. Fieldwork.

  27. Cartography. Producing maps: area of interest, features, design, distribution.

  28. Psychogeography. What the landscape means to us.

  29. Mapping as a political act.

  30. Non-physical. Consciousness, ceremony, intention and magic and their roles.

  31. Paranormal and Magic.

  32. The Path Ahead. Aligning forces with other researchers, clubs and events.

Your instructor: Dan Shaw started meditating and having psychic experiences at a young age, and studied alchemy under a channeled Ascended Master before specializing in geomancy, that is, Earth Magic. He has appeared as himself on TV and in movies, and written numerous books on the subject of Earth Mysteries. His website is VortexMaps.com

Earth Magic Comprehensive Introduction Course Special price $100 only for Superfan pre-registration June 2024


Democracy is Possible, Here's How


    How People Harness their Collective Wisdom and Power

to Construct the Future in Co-Laboratories of Democracy
by Alexander N. Christakis
and Kenneth C. Bausch

a book review by Dan Shaw

Read How People to find out how Democracy is possible. Many Americans may feel pessimistic about the possibility for effective democracy, How People presents an essential formula for citizen empowerment based in the logic of democratic decision-making. One may well ask, "In a complex situation, how is it possible for a diverse group to come to a democratic decision?" Even when it comes to making a decision as individuals, we rarely apply consistent rules of logic. Christakis ("Aleco") and Bausch lay out the logical formula for arriving at a decision, perhaps for the first time. More than 30 years ago, Aleco, a physicist, began his quest to apply the laws of logic to democratic decision-making. His system, the Structured Design Process (SDP), makes possible effective participatory democracy. Without a logical process, and a ‘transparent´ process, without tools to manage complexity, Democracy is not possible. I hope this article will convince you, as I am convinced, that SDP is the best model for Democratic dialogue, that nothing less will do.

Not surprisingly, the process has numerous stages, and processes, and requires from the participants an ongoing commitment. Christakis and Bausch identify four stages of decision-making: Definition, Design, Decision, and Action Planning. Everyone holding a stake in the outcome is invited to participate. SDP requires a strict distinction between the roles of the facilitators, who guide the process, and the participants, who control the content of the discussions. Defining a "Triggering Question" is perhaps the most important factor to the successful outcome of the group acting together on shared concerns. Often a small group will conduct interviews and write a "White Paper" to provide a starting point in discussions. For example, a triggering question may be, "What are critical current and anticipated issues (or challenges) to be addressed in order to achieve our strategic vision?" A group is then engaged in a sustained dialogue to articulate as many relevant observations as possible. This complexly inter-related mass of observations is called a problematique. The goal then becomes to clarify meanings, and to cluster these observations into groups of items with significant similarities. The relationships between these ideas, the direction of influence, is then mapped using Root Cause Mapping software. If a group focuses on importance, rather than influence, then they will choose the wrong priorities.

In the Design Stage, action options are identified, grouped into categories, then their complex inter-relationships can be graphically mapped. Because the software generates a graphic of the relationship between ideas, action options with the highest leverage become obvious. In the Decision Stage, participants design alternative action profiles, then vote on which action profiles would be most effective.

SDP is designed to use software tools to simplify decision-making within highly complex situations, and to overcome what the authors call "The Burdens of Dialogue". Participants can focus on a limited and manageable number of relationships while the software keeps track. As the process advances, the method of that progression is completely tracked and made public.

Without the SDP, there is really little hope for citizen empowerment and the logical advance of Democracy. Christakis and Bausch have succeeded in identifying the essential components of Democratic decision-making. Even the groups most engaged in our Democracy are rarely themselves operating democratically. Each of us must learn the basic formula for democratic decision making, and apply that process in the development of our organizations. Incredibly, the techniques and tools of democracy are just now being honed, but, it seems that to keep up with the times, the tools of Democracy must be continually sharpened, and applied to the task, otherwise they will surely turn to dust. Christakis and Bausch´s SDP is the toolbox, and if we want Democracy, thankfully, we can now apply the best tools.

Locating Consensus for Democracy: A Ten-Year U.S. Experiment

by Alan F. Kay

a book review by Dan Shaw

Opinion Polling has gotten a bad name. Special interests, including the media, sponsor polls which are biased in many ways. To counter this abysmal trend, Alan Kay has applied his fortune to the pursuit of Public Interest Polling. Perhaps naively, Kay thought that if he conducted rigorous polling, in an unbiased way, that politicians would actually be interested to know what the public thought on specific policy issues. In Locating Consensus, Kay establishes some surprising truths about how people think about politics, and how politicians think. Average Americans are surprisingly adept at answering complex political questions, when they are skillfully asked. Kay has been asking thousands of Americans vital questions over ten years. The consensus on national security and other issues that has emerged will be ignored by politicians at their own risk. Conversely, a politician, political campaign or social movement that represents this consensus will be swept to dominance.

It would be impossible to sum up here the results of hundreds of questions Kay has been able to poll. The book´s 400 pages are about as dense as any I´ve read. Kay begins with an expose´ of the shortcomings of polling as it is practiced today. For example, polls with a high number of "Don´t Know" responses indicate the responder was rushed, or that the options offered were insufficient. Also, where 3% or more of respondents offer an answer that was not an option, that choice would have received a higher number had it been offered.  In multiple-choice questions, options must be rotated to eliminate the possible confounding effects of primacy and recency. Kay takes us along on his learning curve, as he comes in as a novice and emerges as a master of the linguistics and statistics of polling. Through follow-up polling, he is able to improve the precision of questions and answers. By polling over years, he is able to track trends. By "debate format" polling, he shows that given arguments from two sides, respondents do switch their "before and after" opinions, but the switchers go both directions, and the net change is often negligible. By splitting the sample, and asking some questions to both groups, and asking each group some unique questions, it is possible to effectively double your "bang for the buck" in a statistically valid way.

To avoid any bias, Kay engages two teams of pollsters, one each from the democratic and republican parties. He finds that in some cases, neutral questions are not necessary. He can split the sample, and ask each half the question in ways equally and oppositely biased. He finds that some bias in the question has a negligible impact on the responses, giving greater confidence that the impact of any unintentional bias in the questions would be slight.

Public Interest Polling identified some policy options that were supported by 90%. However, 80% support for a policy option is enough to show that it has support among all major demographic groups in all states and Congressional Districts.

To give just one example of Kay´s findings, his nineteenth poll asked how we could get more energy and help the environment, and how we could get more energy and help the economy.  Respondents were given a number of options, such as high fuel efficiency cars, retrofitting commercial and industrial buildings, building more efficient trains and planes, etc. All the items just mentioned were "Triple Winners", that is, a strong majority of respondents felt that the proposals would be good for the economy, the environment, and for energy supply. A candidate or campaign could ride this public sentiment into office, or craft a referendum that would be guaranteed passage. In Kay´s words there is a "Total Disconnect" between the public opinion and the leaders. Public Interest Polling, as Kay has defined it, is the key to actually hearing the will of the majority. Democracy is founded on the assumption that every citizen can make informed decisions about policies that affect them, and that the majority will expresses a kind of collective wisdom. Without Public Interest Polling, that collective wisdom will remain untapped. We must tap in to that wisdom, to heal the disconnect between the leaders and public. We dare not rely on the opinion polls of the special interests. Only enacting the majority will can lead to Democracy, for if special interests are allowed to define the questions, as a society we will surely not be happy with the answers. Only Consensus will lead to lasting stability and quality of life. Consensus exists out there, it does not need to be achieved so much as located, as the book´s title says. The politicians may be quite polarized, but citizens are not nearly so extreme. The public consensus, it turns out, is quite wise and we would do well to listen to it and put it into practice.

Escaping the Matrix: How We the People Can Save the World

by Richard Moore

book review by Dan Shaw

On rare occasions, reading a book, you find yourself nodding your head in agreement, as you read paragraph after paragraph of agreeable ideas, eloquently expressed, and you keep thinking of people you want to share the book with, who would also be comforted and strengthened. Escaping the Matrix is one of those rare shining examples of books to be hungrily read in one or two sittings, and shared with friends of all political stripes. Richard Moore's whirlwind tour of the "Matrix", our modern dilemma of elite political and economic domination and ecocide, and his "Brief History of Humanity" are breathtaking for his depth, synthesis, and readability.

In the first two chapters Moore effortlessly brings us through the darkness of the Matrix and actually gives us the "red pill", the formula for waking up from the hypnotic illusion and seeing the painful truth of society. Moore shows how the dominator culture is overturned simply by changing our own human and community relations to embody partnership values.

Escaping the Matrix describes two "imperatives", the "Transformational Imperative" and the "Harmonization Imperative". By this he means that we must Transform and Harmonize, because our dominator society is destroying the natural environment and the social systems, and this is evidenced by our national foreign policy priorities, "oil-based dominance".

Harmonization is a strategy we already use in cooperative meetings, but our justice system and our political system are divisive and adversarial. Factionalism plays into the hands of those who are masters at "Divide and Conquer". Moore provides examples of "two promising meetings" where these principles were successfully put into practice: the "Michigan Conference" and the Rogue Valley Wisdom Council. "If everyone were to have this kind of experience," Moore says, "our culture itself would be transformed. Not only would this fill our 'cultural gap' as regards meetings, but also our cultural paradigms about competition and adversarial politics would be neutralized. Although our societal systems would remain unchanged, for a while at least, the culture that supports them would be gone. The elite's divide and rule strategy would be fatally undermined. No longer would we feel compelled to choose sides among political parties; no longer would we feel isolated as citizens. Our culture, beginning in the grassroots, would be transforming into the partnership category." [page 135]

In the following chapters Moore clearly shares visions for a transformational movement and a liberated global society, with insights for even the most seasoned activists: "If a movement makes demands, then it is affirming that power resides elsewhere-- in the person or agency which is the target of the demands. If a movement creates solutions, then it is asserting its own empowerment; it is taking responsibility for its own welfare." [89]

"Only when they had achieved overwhelming success at the grassroots did [the Populists] turn their attention to the ballot box." [90]

Peppered with inspiring quotes from many sources, and with such a fluid style and sensible analysis, Moore's book ended too soon. It will be up to us to put this advice into practice and transform our political systems so that Moore can write the sequel.





Vortex Report: February 2024

 by The Vortex Detective, Dan Shaw, www.VortexMaps.com

In this issue:

  • Glitches in the Matrix”

  • Was it an energy, a spirit, or...?

  • Psychic Self Defense

  • A Spiritual Approach to New Mexico Rock Art

  • EarthStar North America Map & Rock Art “Discoveries”

  • Befriending the Trees

  • Becoming Cleo at the Renaissance Faire (book review)

  • Scientific Vortex Information (book review)

  • Map Ley Lines with Google Earth

  • Featured researcher: Peter Champoux

  • Ley Lines App

  • On Telegram

  • Vortex Podcasts, past and future

Dear Vortex Fans,

Since I last wrote, I traveled from Oregon (about an hour North of Mt. Shasta, California) to New Mexico (south of Albuquerque).

Glitches in the Matrix”

You won't be surprised to hear that my trip to New Mexico was fraught with strange phenomena, perhaps, but the story is strange enough that even I am having trouble processing it, and re-telling it effectively. It's not the first time that I've had paranormal occurrences in the run-up to visiting this location; it's the second time, and the two, related experiences are impossibly hard to explain in any rational way individually, much less together. It's one thing when something mysteriously disappears, it's natural to blame yourself, “well, maybe I misplaced it.” Most of the time. But sometimes, that explanation fails spectacularly. Twice. When “it” “disappeared” the first time, we had both looked for it multiple times in a certain spot, and it definitely wasn't there. It “re-appeared” there. Stayed tuned for more about Glitches in the Matrix.

Was it an energy, a spirit, or...?

Along those lines, I photographed something unusual or, perhaps I should say, I took an unusual photo, as I explain in “Was it an energy, a spirit, or "just" a camera malfunction?” https://www.blogger.com/u/1/blog/post/edit/36183454/1340203487278007918

Psychic Self Defense

Too long, didn't read? [TLDR] My mentor Roger Armstrong teaches psychic self-defense in our videos: https://www.youtube.com/psychicchild

Along the way, I fortunately met some great folks: Robert and Bonnie Frutos. And I visited my sister Sue Hirsch, whose creations may interest you or someone you know and love.

Shortly before I was to drive home from New Mexico, along geologically spectacular Highway 40, I got an order from Holbrook, Arizona, right on the Highway. I responded, can I visit you on my drive home? And Robert said yes. I knew that he was a photographer, but that's all I knew, it turned out to be a delightful connection to Robert and his wife, Bonnie, both authors. And psychic.

A Spiritual Approach to New Mexico Rock Art

Robert visits sacred sites, photographs them, and then brings us along on the ride – often step-by-step – in his guidebooks. Specializing in Hawaii, and the Southwestern United States, especially petroglyphs and pictographs. Robert engages with these sites and their artifacts with a fine-tuned psychic sense. His books provide a plain-talking approach to a deep appreciation for nature and magic.


EarthStar North America Map & Rock Art “Discoveries”

Robert has identified two new rock art sites that depict the EarthStar North America.

Including Chumash Painted Cave, Santa Barbara:

Befriending the Trees

As the evening wore on, I turned to Bonnie and said, “What about your books? You must have some books. Indeed. Bonnie, with Robert, wrote some books for their grandchild. Anyone who has read a lot of books to their kid(s) knows that it's rare for a kid's book to hit just the right note when there's a message; but Bonnie has succeeded beautifully with Nova Fire Blaze and the Wondrous Tree. In my workshops I sometimes ask, “Who here feels that they have a special relationship to trees?” and usually half the class or more raises their hands. Our energetic and psychic relationship with trees can be profound, almost everybody can learn to sense the energy of trees, it's something I teach in workshops. Nova Fire Blaze is a story of connecting to trees.


For adults who want to go deeper into connecting with trees, Taoist Master Mantak Chia offers a Taoist method:


Becoming Cleo at the Renaissance Faire (book review)

by Sue Hirsch (my sister!)

I wouldn't ordinarily include “non-vortex” information, but since we on the subject of children's books that have a great message, sure I'm biased, but I think you'll love Becoming Cleo. It's a little more of a chapter book than a picture book. Cleo's first visit to a Ren Faire, the love really shines through.


Scientific Vortex Information (book review)

By Pete A Sanders, Jr.

A quick, easy, useful introduction to working with vortex energies to develop psychic abilitiesPete provides a simple and quick technique he developed, called the Soul-shift, to rapidly move into the “extradimensional soul” ...


Map the Ley Lines with Google Earth

Many different ley line systems are available to use with Google Earth, as explained here:


I've collected a number of these “.kml” files here:


Featured researcher: Peter Champoux

Peter is certainly on of the foremost geomancy researchers in North America, in terms of how many maps he's created, and how many different kinds of visionary maps. 

16 of Peter's Earth Energies articles, free downloads:


Ley Lines & Earth Rings of Peter Champoux VIP Pack

Get Peter's monumental works: The Gaia Matrix (printed) book, together with the Gaia Matrix e-book, and Ley Lines & Earth Rings of America.

Peter Champoux VIP Pack: $45


And now Peter's extensive Google Earth data file is available:



Ley Lines App

It's here, and free.


On Telegram

Ask to join “Brothers of Gaia Community,” more than 200 members building energetic devices (such as twisted copper and orgone) and working with the Earth Grid.

Vortex Podcasts, past and future

About fourteen hours of past interviews:


and here:

Mindforked! LIVE: Into the Vortex with Dan Shaw. Comments are very complimentary! https://www.youtube.com/live/lDL8P8vAeR4 May 24, 2023, 90 minutes.

Power Places - Interview with Vortex Detective Dan Shaw, Adventures in 5D, carolynbrouillard.com Oct 18, 2020, 19 minutes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7J_cA7VNww0

Upcoming Podcasts:

Sunday, February 18, with Akashicris

Tuesday, February 20, with Brothers of Gaia

Vortex Field Guide in print edition

For those folks who like their books in flesh-and-blood paper and ink, the Vortex Field Guide is available (from Lulu) $22


Vortex Field Guide on Kindle

On Kindle:



Twelve Ways to Turbo-boost your Immune System (other than vitamins!)

by Dan Shaw

Reminding ourselves of a few of the important constituents of living a vital life.


Thank you for reading!

- Dan


Was it an energy, a spirit, or "just" a camera malfunction?

I took a photo of something inexplicable, was it an energy, a spirit, or "just" a camera malfunction? I've been clearing out a vacant house. I took "before" photos before I began. 

Now I'm taking "after" photos once I have cleared out a room. When I had cleared out the bathroom, from the door, I took a photo of the toilet. Then, to get a photo of the shower and the door, I stood in the corner by the toilet and snapped a photo.

Looking at the photo I could see a large black "object" in the left of the frame, what was that? I looked up from the camera to see what it was, and there was "nothing" there. I took a second photo.

It appeared "normal." On closer examination, the black "object" appears to have a detailed form, something like folds of fabric. Even if it was "just" a camera malfunction, that in itself would suggest that the camera was affected by an electromagnetic anomaly.

I have asked the opinions of a number of people, and some people have shared their experiences with "black pillars" such as these that are drawing energy from living people, in other words, "negative" and "vampire" entities. Given the experiences of the person who lived there last, I wasn't surprised; I was there to clear out any and all negative energies. Primarily with a broom and dust bin, but I have my other techniques, as well.

If you have any problem with "negative" energies or entities, you can strengthen your aura with the techniques of psychic self-defense. My mentor Roger Armstrong spoke about this in some of the many videos of him I produced: https://www.youtube.com/psychicchild


Twelve Ways to Turbo-boost your Immune System (other than vitamins!)

by Aum Ear (Dan Shaw)

1. Sleep. Don't push yourself to 100%. Your body needs energy reserves, like water pooling before a waterfall. Take naps. Any technique that works for you to concentrate your mind on a single subject without distractions, such as meditation on a sight, such as a candle flame or mandala, or a sound such as a mantra or a chime, will provide many of the benefits of sleep.

2. Joy and Laughter. Enjoy life today, don't postpone joy.

3. Charge your electrical body. Take colloidal minerals. Walk barefoot on the Earth, swim in natural bodies of water. Take epsom salt baths. Get negative ions in nature and with an ion generator. ("The Body Electric.")

4. Water. Drink enough. Drink a glass of water first thing after waking up in the morning. (Read "Your Body's Many Cries for Water.")

5. Exercise. Engage in aerobic exercises that raise your circulation and oxygenation. The best time of day would be shortly after waking.

6. Breathing. Practice one (or more) of the many styles of conscious ("yogic") breathing. concentrating on the breath will do wonders. Remind yourself throughout the day to take deep breaths. Depression leads to depressed breathing, and conversely, good breathing relieves depression. ("Science of Breath.")

7. Music. Make sounds with your voice and musical instruments. Expose your whole body, not just the ears to the vibrations of acoustic music. Listen to popular music you enjoy, and also the full range of frequencies found in music such as by Aeoliah, Marci, Dr. Jeffrey Thompson, Todd Barton's DNA music, binaural beats, throat singing and other indigenous musical traditions, Gregorian chanting, Abbess Hildegard of Bingen, and other sacred music, non-western scales and microtones, and 440-Hertz tuning.

8. Sunlight. Expose your whole body, not just the eyes, the the warmth and light of sunlight. Full-spectrum lighting and infrared lamps can help.

9. Social relations. Spend time with the people you love. Express your feelings. Say the things that you know need to be said, including apologies, and speaking truth to power.

10. Nourishment. Eat the most alive foods attainable; sprouted seeds, fresh local fruits and veggies (in season!), as close to the source as possible, miso, herbal teas. Avoids foods that aren't fueling your body. Begin with small steps by eliminating one unhealthy (sugary!) food and replacing with one more healthful.

11. Savor life's gifts. Eat delicious foods, view nature, art, and beautiful sights, smell lovely aromas, touch and be touched, think comforting thoughts, learn something, feel gratitude.

12. Create things of beauty.

For more inspiring writings see DanShaw.com and www.VortexMaps.com



Scientific Vortex Information, By Pete A Sanders, Jr.

A Book Review by Dan Shaw

A quick, easy, useful introduction to working with vortex energies to develop psychic abilities. First published in 1981, this book recently came to my attention thanks to a facebook friend. The author is the founder of a non-profit mind-body education program in Sedona, Arizona, that teaches people how to "be their own teachers," in part by entering into a trance state, as far as I can tell from reading Pete's book, aptly subtitled, "The Free Soul Method, How to Easily Understand, Find, and Tap Vortex Energy in Sedona and Wherever You Travel."

Some authors have described vortexes as "electric," "magnetic," and "electromagnetic," but Pete says these terms are not descriptive or helpful. (He cites Page Bryant and Dick Sutphen as sources of this naming system.) Pete, who has the ability to see auras, instead prefers classifying vortexes according to the flow of their energies, primarily "upflow" and "inflow." These labels, Pete says, help you to identify what is going on at the site, and therefore, help you to tap into the vortex. Upflow vortexes are best for certain psychic skills, such as connecting with your guides, while inflow vortexes are better for going inward, for example, exploring past-life memories. Pete expands on this two-fold labeling system somewhat, describing areas that are combinations, either "inflow with a mini-upflow" or "upflow with a mini-inflow." He also adds in the element of "lateral flow," which he says can be used for "future scanning" the "river of time."

Importantly, Pete provides a simple and quick technique he developed, called the Soul-shift, to rapidly move into the “extradimensional soul” by moving your attention inward and upward through the body to a point above the head. The Soul-shift technique will doubtless help a lot of people “get out of their heads” and out of the way. Pete clarifies why “trying” doesn't work (“the overtrying trap”), and supports the reader to allow rather than force the process.

In my opinion, his reasoning is sound so far as it goes, but, his upflow / inflow / lateral perspective on vortexes is very “two-dimensional.” A three-dimensional spiral looks like a two-dimensional sine-wave when we see it from a certain limited perspective. All energy, whether a fluid like water or air, or an energy like plasma, tends to flow in spirals. Locally, we may experience the vortex spinning in a certain direction, clockwise, counter-clockwise, or perhaps, vertically. But our perception takes place in the three-dimensional (plus!) turbulent sea of electromagnetic energies, and other energies. As The Vortex Detective, my current understanding is that we're all “riding” on some part of one (or more?) toroid(s), a circular ring or “donut” of circulating energy.

Worth reading, especially if you don't already have a sense of the movement of energy at vortexes and a reliable technique for getting into the right headspace, or should I say, soulspace.

The book is available directly from the author's non-profit: https://freesoul.net/


American Ley Lines book by Dan Shaw

 American Ley Lines, Dan Shaw, editor. book cover

New for Summer 2021! More than forty maps from more than a dozen contributors. See the Americas as you've never seen them before, exquisite geometric patterns of energy in the living landscape. Each of these maps opens up a new avenue of research and worlds of adventure. No Earth Mysteries library is complete without this instant classic. Read American Ley Lines then get out there on the energy leys! 

Partial Contents:

The USA as a Golden Rectangle
USA on the World Grid
Leys between Gold Hill, Oregon; Yucatan Peninsula, & Cairo
Bermuda Triangle 648 Miles in Diameter
Genuine Vortexes Open as Tourist Attractions
Washington, DC and the Empire Ley
Mormon Trail Geometric Progression
DC & US Capitol Cities on Volcano Latitudes
EarthStar North America, the Wheel with 19 Spokes diagram
EarthStar North America map detail: Crater Lake, Sisters, Columbia River, Rainier
Rica, Individualization of the Three Americas
North America Telluric Energy System

Washington Vortex Triangle
Oregon Vortex Cluster 216 Miles Wide
California: Big Bear Lake Octagons
Nevada Vortex Fibonacci Spiral
Chaco Canyon Meridian to Casas Grandes, Mexico
Four Corners & the Great Western Hoops
South Dakota 54-Mile Vortex Yin-Yang
Georgia Medicine Wheel Octagon
Tetrahedron Inscribed in the Earth
Iceland -- Hawaii -- South Orkney Islands Triangle
Alaska as the Center of a Great Circle of Ancient Sites
Alaska & the Great Pyramid, Corners of a Square
The Real Alaskan Vortex Triangle

Nova Scotia Energy Axis and 5-pointed Stars
Nova Scotia Geometric Patterns
Montreal & Quebec

Mexico, Central & South America
Costa Rica 8-sided Medicine Wheel Unites North & South
Complete Set of Grid Lines over South America
South America Spiral
Tiwanaku Alignment, the Qhapaq Nam
Nazca & the Route of Viracocha

41-page e-book $7.77
