
Books that Melt Your Brain #1: Thiaooba Prophecy

Abduction to the Ninth Planet : A True Report by the Author Who Was Physically Abducted to Another Planet 2nd Edition

by Michel Desmarquet
"In June of 1987, I was abducted by Extra-terrestrial Beings, highly evolved spiritually, and also the most technologically developed in our galaxy. They took me PHYSICALLY to their planet on a journey that had a time lapse of nine Earthly days. It was not an Astral travel, nor an Astral contact - I was there with my Physical Body, incredible as it may seem. By transubstantiation, we traveled through the light barrier, moving in and out of space and time, instead of moving through it. For our physical bodies of course, this is unexplainable, but I witnessed it.."

Integrity "Tone Scale"

A spectrum of behavioral responses, very useful, hard to find online...
 to view full size, click the image, then right click to view image in it's own tab.


Shed complete

Customer satisfied.


Window flashing tape? Inslulative expanding foam? No, no.

On further consideration, we decided this window flashing tape is designed for fully insulated houses, and would be overkill on a shed.
Insulating foam: we don't use it. It's environmentally unfriendly and doesn't age well, old foam just disintegrates everywhere. On a shed, unfinished on the inside, it would be exposed, and unsightly, too.

Buildings that breathe

You breathe to live, and to feel comfortable in a building, the building must also 'breathe'. Unfortunately in most modern construction, air (and light) are not given the consideration they deserve. Too many builder-designers ignore passive ventilation and natural lighting and rely on mechanical ventilation and artificial lights. So it makes sense to place a vent in the floor of the shed, to draw in air from underneath, to take advantage of the cool shade there.

Trim begins

We're using 4" trim on the corners. The pieces on the front and back protrude slightly, thereby providing an edge that takes the (paintable) caulking nicely.

We use 3" trim on the windows.
The trim is pre-primed, field cuts are treated.

We used a table saw to cut a groove on the window trim so the trim sits flat over the window nail fins.

Barn door assembly

We chose to put the horizontal pieces of the "Z" at the top and bottom of the door, rather than partway in, to strengthen the door at the stress points where it hangs, and where it extends below and hits the floor. In case we decide to shorten the door slightly, we then raised the bottom horizontal by 1". (The door is shown on its side.)
The door is tongue and groove pine. We glue seven (7) 6" slats together for each door, nominally 3' wide.
The tongue and groove are removed from the sides of the door. The top of the Z boards we cut at a 15-degree angle to shed water.
Then the Z is screwed on from the back (the inside).

The door will receive this clear waterproofing, surfaces that will be inaccessible are treated before assembly.


Grants Pass, Oregon shed kit workshop location

Shed kit workshop location. 675 E. Park Street, Grants Pass, Oregon. By appointment only. tel. # 541-525-0326

View at maps.google.com

Traffic passing our sign on Highway 199.
The view towards East Park Street from the back of the lot.