
"Blue" Earth Grid by Bill Nelson

reprinting this obscure grid info, hoping to get updates! please comment or email ask[at]danshaw[dot]com

Blue Grid
by Bill Nelson

What is this Blue Grid?
You're probably familiar with this Planetary Grid System map. Let's start by looking at this:
The following credits need to be given when reprinting this photo:
The Planetary Grid System shown [here] was inspired by an original article by Christopher Bird, "Planetary Grid," published in New Age Journal #5, May 1975, pp. 36-41. The hexakis icosahedron grid, coordinate calculations, and point classification system are the original research of Bethe Hagens and William S. Becker.

Now the pattern in the above map corresponds to the Becker-Hagens grid. The only problem is, the coordinates for this grid don't fit too well into real life once you go walking along the lines attempting to feel some energy. That's where this website comes in:
This website has a similar grid pattern also inspired by Christopher Bird, but these coordinates are shifted quite a bit from the Becker-Hagens grid. The site also calls these lines the "Russian Grid".
But if you just consider the basic lines of that Russian Grid, it's not enough to just draw the white lines like you see in the main menu of this site. There are these extra "blue lines" that are needed to tell the rest of the story. So I found those extra blue lines from the work of Buckminster Fuller, in his book, Synergetics 2. Here's his lines for one triangle:
However, I first found out about these extra blue lines from Dan Shaw's Vortexmaps.com site. There, these lines have a more pleasant sounding "EarthStar" name.
So here's where the story gets confusing: at the time I thought it would be helpful to draw those "EarthStar" lines all over the globe. So I attached this EarthStar system to the Becker-Hagens grid, thinking it would help. To make a long story short, it turned out that the Becker-Hagens grid itself wasn't allowing energy-sensitive people to feel any energy along these lines.
So that's when I remembered the ol' "Russian Grid", and thought that maybe... The "EarthStar" pattern would fit into real-life better with this grid. Little did I know just HOW well...
So when I was drawing the Becker-Hagens grid, I used RED lines in maps. That's because I only had four basic colors to choose for a line. When I went to draw these EarthStar lines into the Russian Grid, I was forced into using BLUE. That's how this "Blue Grid" got started. And it's better to use blue because my only other color choice was green.
So the Russian Grid is not my idea, and Buckminster Fuller's EarthStar lines are not my idea either. I haven't found anyone on the web who has drawn these EarthStar lines into the "Russian Grid", so maybe, this linking of two ideas is the only thing you could call "mine". Not that it matters. You can have the idea be "yours" too if you want.
I didn't plan on this (EarthStar)-(Russian Grid) idea lining up with NORAD, UFO sightings, Lake Vostok, and Eltanin antennas, but it just happened to turn out that way. It's also good to know that if you walk along these blue grid lines, you have a much better chance at sensing some energy.
The odd part is: a lot of people have already BEEN to some of these blue lines. They've known all along WHERE they can feel the energy -- they just didn't have a precise grid pattern like the Blue Grid to follow.
I cannot think of a better name for this (EarthStar)-(Russian Grid) idea, so for the lack of a better catch phrase, I'm just calling it the "Blue Grid".

This area is for explaining how I arrived at the coordinates for the Blue Grid, etc. This page (after this first paragraph) was all written back when I was first figuring out how to find places along the grid lines. My current version now uses thousands of pre-calculated headings, to speed things up in MS Access XP. I'll explain it all later...
How to find the proper Second closest grid point:
Repeat this over and over until you get it down pat:
Remember: Latitude degrees for North have positive (+) values.
Remember: Latitude degrees for South have negative (-) values.
Remember: Longitude degrees for East have positive (+) values.
Remember: Longitude degrees for West have negative (-) values.
Wisdom: Why are West values are negative? Because some group decided that the degrees should start with zero in the Eastern Hemisphere. Then imagine as you fly in the direction from London to Moscow, the degrees get higher and higher: 10, 20, 30. But when you fly beyond Japan, you approach 179 degrees East. When you go beyond this point, you end up in the Western Hemisphere and the values would go higher: 190, 200, 210, etc., up to almost 360 degrees. If you ever see longitude values above 180, that means they're in the Western hemisphere, see? So to force these values to be negative, you subtract 360 FROM that degree value in the West. For example, 260 minus 360 is -100 degrees. Usually you see observatories listed with longitude values ranging from 0 to 360, and they don't do that "subtracting thing" because they use a whole different ball game to note their global position. That's the parallax method, and it's too complicated to try and describe it here.
Wisdom: with this grid of 62 points around the earth, six of them are NORTH, and six are SOUTH. Whenever you find one of these points, that means TEN lines radiate away from that spot. For all the rest of the points, either FOUR or SIX lines radiate away from each point. When all the points are connected right, the whole earth ends up being covered in triangles. The short end of each triangle is about 1254.3 nautical miles (nm). The medium line is about 1903.04 nm, and the longest line is about 2242.6 nm. If any of the 62 points isn't placed right, they'll have to get prodded back in place so that the distance for all lines related to that spot are either Short, Medium, or Long. That's important, as we'll see soon.
Wisdom: the distance between two points on the earth is called the Great Circle Distance, or GCD. The usual method with trigonometry functions will suffice here, because we don't have to care that the earth isn't perfectly spherical. That's because in a separate process, we'll let our earth location be up to TWO degrees away from a grid line on EITHER side.
Wisdom: the direction you're headed in from one point to another is called the True Course, or Heading. Even more complicated-looking trigonometry is used to get this handy-dandy value in degrees. BEWARE: because this grid has starting and ending points that share either a latitude or or longitude number, you have to remember the 180/360, 90/270 rule with finding true course. If both longitudes match and you're headed from more north to more south, the true course is 180 degrees; if you're headed from more south to more north, the true course is 360 degrees. Likewise, if both latitudes match and you're headed in one direction, it's 90 degrees; the other direction is 270 degrees. My programming factors this in to properly find the true course.
NOW, let's find the best Second closest grid point!
01. Set LineShort to 1254.3.
02. Set LineMedium to 1903.04.
03. Set LineLong to 2242.6.
04. Start with a location (MY)'s two values: latitude and longitude.
05. If either latitude or longitude is blank, then STOP here and say "--" is the answer.
06. Somehow remember the locations for all 62 grid points. You'll need them.
07. Now find PT1, the closest node to point MY, by finding the lowest GCD between point MY and each of the 62 nodes. Keep a list of all these 62 GCD values; we'll need them too!
08. Remember the GCD of PT1 to point MY! I'll tell you why at the end.
09. Now ignore that node for PT1, and find the second closest node to point MY. That's PT2.
10. Now ignore PT1 AND PT2, and find the third closest node to point MY. That's PT3.
11. Now ignore PT1, PT2 AND PT3, and find the fourth closest node to point MY. That's PT4.
12. WAIT! Check the GCD from PT1 to PT4. If the distance ain't LineShort, LineMedium, or LineLong, then forget about using PT4 from now on. That's because the PT1 to PT4 line would be an ILLEGAL one; meaning, you'd be trying to connect THREE triangles! Not good. We HAVE to care about this because: for nodes where there aren't many lines, PT4 is IGNORED; for nodes with ten lines emanating, we HAVE to consider PT4 because of all those TEN lines having all those angles.
13. HOLD ON AGAIN! Check the GCD from PT1 to PT3. If the distance isn't LineShort, LineMedium, or LineLong, then forget about using PT3 from now on too. However, if PT3 is no good, chances are PT4 WILL be used.
14. Find the Heading of PT1 to PT2, and call it TC2.
15. Find the Heading of PT1 to PT3, and call it TC3.
16. Find the Heading of PT1 to point MY, and call it TCX.
17. If we're allowed to use PT4, find the Heading of PT1 to PT4, and call it TC4.
18. Now play "To Tell The Truth" with TC2, TC3 (if you're allowed to), (and PT4 if you're allowed to), by taking the absolute values of TCX-TC2, TCX-TC3, (and TCX-TC4 if you're allowed to). If you get a relative heading of more than 180 degrees, you have to subtract that number from 360 (i.e. 360-x). The lowest value WINS and is the Best PT2 point!
19. Put your answer together so LOTS of values all fit in one field. The Best PT2 point goes first, then a space, then PT1 and a space, then PT2 and a space, then PT3 and a space, then PT4 and a space, and finally that GCD of PT1 to MY.
20. HERE'S WHY you need to save that GCD of PT1 to MY: if your point MY is insanely close (within a couple nautical miles) to one of the 62 nodes in the earth, who cares at all about PT2, PT3, OR PT4? When your point MY is close by distance like that it doesn't matter WHAT the heading is: you just say your point MY is close to a node by distance alone, and note that point MY. You HAVE TO do this because OTHERWISE, your Heading is all outta WHACK: the system says your point is like 20 degrees away from a grid line, and you'd ignore the point not realizing how close your point is to a node.
After this, you take that crummy-looking answer and paste it into a field in a table. Then pull out the values you need and compare the Heading of PT1-PT2 to PT1-MY. If the headings are within 2 degrees of each other, then you're flying in the same direction. You'd have to be! And that means your point MY is along the PT1-PT2 grid line.
If your method of finding the Best PT2 node is quicker than my version, then we'll all use your version! Good luck. I'm baffled as to how pilots would do this process any more efficiently. At least my version won't ignore any grid lines like it did before.

Download the global list of junction points for this "Blue Grid":
bgnodesdms.zip has decimal format as well as deg/min/sec format.
bgnodesgps.zip has decimal format as well as GPS-Tool format (e.g.. N45*45.38333).
I can also make a PCX5 2.05/Garmin format if you want.
If you need other GPS-Tool formats you can go download TrackMaker at http://www.gpstm.com.
The following list is a sample of what's available... as of 09/28/2003, the links ARE here!
And HEY! Knock, knock, knock! Some of the text files are in Unicode (UTF-8) format!
These lists show what places are found along these blue grid lines. All the lists have at least three extra columns:
Triangle - To tell you the grid triangle where the point is found
ESpt1 - This is the closest junction to your point X
ESpt2 - This is the second best junction to your point X.
If you see a field called ESpt1nm, that value tells you how far away your point X is from that ESpt1 junction. This is IMPORTANT when you are trying to get close to a grid junction, because when you're really close to a junction, heading comparison does not matter.
bgabandonedmineus.zip - Abandoned mines in US. Complete list has 11,845 places so far.
bgairportworld.zip - Airports around the world
bgairportrural.zip - Airports classified as "rural", such as helipads, or tops of hospitals, etc.
bgairportaband.zip - Airports that have been abandoned, or perhaps torn down and reused in another way.
bgantarctica.zip - Antarctica points. Remember Lake Vostok? This is the rest of the list.
bgasclose.zip - Australia places, including all types of points
bgascrsites.zip - Australia, another list of cities that may not all be included in bgasclose.zip
bgasnodeclose.zip - Australia. Here are the notable places close to ANY node in the country.
bgbrclose.zip - Brazil. Ten text files break up what's close by TENTHs of a degree. 00=0.0, 01=0.1, etc.
bgbrnodeclose.zip - Brazil. Here are the notable places close to ANY node in the country.
bgcaclose.zip - Canada places, including all types of points.
bgcanadadtv.zip - Canada digital TV antennas.
bgcenteqclose.zip - 20th Century earthquakes over 5.5, sorted by year, month, and day
bgcitieseurope.zip - some cities in some of the countries in Europe
bgcraters.zip - Craters along grid lines. Wonder what effect the creation of these craters had on life?
bgdisa.zip - DISA locations.
bgfrclose.zip - France, all types of points. Sorry, I didn't manage to get Rennes Le Chateau to fit into this Grid.
bgfrnodeclose.zip - France. Here are the notable places close to ANY node in the country.
bggloss.zip - some GLOSS stations.
bggrclose.zip - Greece, all types of points.
bggrnodeclose.zip - Greece. Here are the notable places close to ANY node in the country.
bgidclose.zip - Indonesia, most of the cool types of points, except cities.
bgidnodesclose.zip - Indonesia. Here are the notable places close to ANY node in the country.
bgizclose.zip - Iraq, most types of points.
bgiznodeclose.zip - Iraq. Here are the notable places close to ANY node in the country.
bgjaclosemisc.zip - Japan, most types of points except for cities.
bgmilitaryus.zip - Military sites in the US
bgneic.zip - NEIC stations
bgngdchotsprings.zip - Hot springs in the USA
bgnoclose.zip - Norway, including ALL types of points
bgnonodeclose.zip - Norway. Here are the notable places close to ANY node in the country.
bgnukereactors.zip - Nuclear reactors. Only these reactors are insanely close to a grid line
bgppclose.zip - Papua New Guinea, including all types of points.
bgppnodeclose.zip - Papua New Guinea. Here are the notable places close to ANY node in the country.
bgradioworld.zip - some radio stations around the world
bgrbsn.zip - RBSN stations around the world
bgrpclosemisc.zip - Philippines, including most types of points except for cities.
bgrscloseruins.zip - Russia - only RUINS are in this list. The word "razvaliny" is repeated.
bgseaports.zip - Seaports around the world
bgsuaeuro.zip - SUAs (Special Use Airspaces) in Europe
bgsuanorthamer.zip - SUAs (Special Use Airspaces) in North America.
bgsummitsus.zip - The majority of the mountains or hills in the USA
bgtelescopes.zip - Telescope observatories around the world
bgtvcanada.zip - Canada, TV stations.
bgtvmexico.zip - Mexico, TV stations.
bgufclose.zip - UNDERSEA FEATURES, so you know where the reefs or seamounts lie.
bgukchurch.zip - United Kingdom, just the churches.
bgukclose.zip - United Kingdom, including all types of points.
bguknodeclose.zip - United Kingdom. Here are the notable places close to ANY node in the country.
bgusconcise.zip - United States, a concise list of all types of points for all fifty states.
bgvolcanoclose.zip - Volcanoes around the world. Take note of these!
WaterfallUS - Most of the waterfalls in the United States
bgwptclose.zip - NEW: Waypoints from DAFIF's WPT list
If you want other countries done, such as Mongolia, or some other far away place, let me know.

Lake Vostok

Here's a photo of Antarctica showing the Blue Grid lines. After getting this done, doesn't make you think "HEY isn't this NEAT?" I labeled the major nodes connected by the white lines. And would you look at that?! LAKE VOSTOK is placed right on junction point [31] (Lat. -77.4734121648443, Lon. 104.690146373659) of the Blue Grid!

Note here how minor grid junctions [22] and [28] are northeast of Lake Vostok. All these junctions are placed inside the S1-47-46 grid triangle. And in the map below, the perspective was fixed to overlay the Blue Grid lines. The map is upside-down, so the south pole is at the top of the map, along with the Vostok science station (78°27'51"S, 106°51'57"E). So because this map is upside-down, junctions [22] and [28] are northeast of junction [31] in real life.

By the way, if you look at the path the vehicles take as they head northwest across the lake, the vehicles pass right over junction point [31].

Now what are the odds of coming up with a grid pattern that BY CHANCE just happens to line up with Lake Vostok? I wasn't planning for this to happen. Lake Vostok is placed near a junction point of two blue lines and runs through the middle of a grid triangle. I've called Vostok's junction point <31>, because it was the original number used for the same point in Buckminster Fuller's book, Synergetics 2. Most of the other junction points have letter names so that the map doesn't get too confusing.

You may want to check out the other places along the blue grid lines in Antarctica, which you can get from the GET LISTS menu. Or you may want to just visit the junction points themselves.

PS: The Eltanin "thing" was shown to resemble a sponge in October 2003. In the 1911encyclopedia.org site, there is an entry for Cladorhiza Longipinna. If people had been allowed to see the figures on that encyclopedia page, we might have all seen the resemblance to the Eltanin object long ago. Even still, it doesn't take away from the fact that it is placed on a junction point of the Blue Grid.

Here's some important notes from this Wayback Machine archived webpage:


From time to time strange mechanical objects have been found and, in some cases, physically contacted on the beds of the world's seas. During an expedition to the coast of Cape Horn in 1964 the ocenagraphic ship Eltanin photographed a strange "machine" at a depth of 13,500 feet. The object had a number of rods or antennae protruding from it. Attempts to determine what it was or how it got there have been unfruitful. On July 26, 1970 a diver in water 25-35 feet deep and 200 feet off the shore of Alcocebre in eastern Spain came across a 20 foot long cylindrical metal object on the sea floor. He tried unsuccessfully to move the cylinder and had equal luck in an attempt at scratching its surface with his knife. The following morning he and a friend were in a rowboat in the same area when the friend saw something suddenly fly out of the water. A subsequent dive several hours later revealed that the mysterious object was no longer there. On July 27, 1984 an object was seen crashing into the waters off Lummi Island, Washington, USA. Shortly afterward divers in the area came upon a metallic, egg-shaped object that seemed to be orange or gold in color. One diver actually stood on the object and felt it "humming." When he returned to the surface he found that his boots were covered in red dust. Another dive several days later showed the object to be missing.

{So tell me: how many unscratchable 20-foot-long cylindrical objects do you find on the sea floor? By the way, Alcocebre is right near major node N5 of the Blue Grid. AND: Lummi Island is ALSO along a Blue Grid line!}


Dan Shaw Vortex Events


March 6 - March 8, 2020
UFO / Paranormal Summit
Ocean Shores, Washington state. venue: QuinaultBeachResort.com/
(to be confirmed)


Homer, Alaska October 25 & 26
White Eagle 907-715-4433

Anchorage, Alaska October 19, 20, 21 Oriental Healing Arts Center, 2636 Spenard Rd., info Cynthia 907-234-1234
A.T.O.M. at the Center on C, 6000 C Street

Psychic Showcase, Tuesday, October 9 Fife, Washington, at the Poodle Dog Restaurant, 6 pm. $8
Vortex Event with PsychicSpectrum.com

Rick Palmer: Date TBD

Psychic Spectrum with Skip & Sha'ron Leingang, 1150 KKNW Live Stream Sept. 17, 2019

Inside The Goblin Universe #57: Portals Of Perception, hosts Ronald Murphy & Bryan Bowden with Dan Shaw, The Vortex Detective. One of my best vodcasts. Apr 24, 2019. 1 hour 29 minutes.

Beyond the Here and Now with Antonia Lau Unfortunately, some skype audio quality 
issues. March 16, 2019. 1 hour 7 minutes.


Vortex Energies Applied to Oriental Healing Arts

Anchorage Alaska Vortex Event October 2019


Uncanny Canyon

Uncanny Canyon

"I can't believe you have this out here. My husband's father, John F. Dunlap, owned Uncanny Canyon when your father was there. It is now under water, thanks to the US government and the Corps of Engineers and their dam project. It is refreshing and meaningful to him and our family--we were just joking around and put Uncanny Canyon into google and up popped your picture of your dad. Thank you for the memories and I hope you get this post. I hope that it is a memory that you treasure, as much as we do. It is a pleasure for us to see and I will share this with everyone in the family. Thank you for the memories."
-- Vicky Dunlap and the Family of John F. Dunlap, owner of Uncanny Canyon
[retrieved 2019-07-21 from https://www.shorpy.com/node/8161 ]


Mysteries at the National Parks: Yosemite Time Travel

Dan Shaw on the Travel channel. This episode centered around a young girl who had experienced a time-slip after hiking up Half Dome with her family. I suggested that the cause may have been the "Vortex Effect"!
Released in 2017. Two seasons. Episode #11.

Anthony Sanchez of UFO Highway and Ben Hansen of Fact or Faked were also featured on the episode. Here we're doing a "shrink and grow" experiment around the Golden Vortex device (visible between them on the ground).

David Weatherly on set.

Finally it was my turn to be filmed. The production company had chosen Bass Lake because they had heard it was a quiet place, but because of beetle infestation, workers were removing many dead trees. We spent a lot of time waiting around for noisy trucks to drive away. 

David Weatherly and Dan Shaw at the airport waiting for our flights.
As of this writing, the episode is still airing on the Travel Channel, and apparently not available on other services yet.


Official Travel Channel Site


Southwest Oregon Was a Sea 65 Million Years Ago

"In the Late Cretaceous period (100 to 65 million years ago), southwestern Oregon was inundated by a shallow seaway, which deposited a layer of sandstones and mudrocks known as the Hornbrook Formation. These sedimentary rocks, which contain marine fossils such as ammonites, gastropods, clams, and shark’s teeth, are exposed along the flanks of the Klamath Mountains south and east of the Rogue River."

"Starting approximately 40 million years ago in the middle Eocene,[1] a braided river system called the "Ancestral Rogue River" flowed through the region where the Rogue Valley is now carved.[2] For about 2.1 million years,[1] the river deposited what is now known as the Payne Cliffs Formation by laying down a thin conglomerate, followed by arkosic sandstone and siltstone."

I was hiking in my region and I was attracted to these rocks protruding from a field of grass. It was clear to me that they are relics of the Ancestral Rogue River.
Shoreline erosion undercutting is visible still horizontal.

Under this rock some homes of Cretaceous marine life.

The animals built shelter around them and the holes remains. A yellow bug is visible at the lower left.

This conglomerate may be 40 million years old. River cobbles have been re-cemented into a matrix rock over time. The cobbles tend to break along quartz crystal veins.

Flowing water agitates a pebble in a small hole creating circular depressions. This example (at center of photo) is about 8" in diameter. I found other examples, too.

Dan Shaw, The Vortex Detective.

Visit me in southern Oregon, where I guide tours of local vortex energy points. DanShaw.com / VortexMaps.com


Pacific Northwest Biomedical Device Companies #PNW #tech #jobhunt

I'm seeking a career with geophysical, remote sensing, or biomed. diagnostic or similar hardware plus software combo & training archaeologists / scientists / doctors / users. I'll share what I learn here. I'm searching within the Pacific Northwest #PNW #tech

"The North American Industry Classification System or NAICS (pronounced "nakes") is a classification of business establishments by type of economic activity (process of production)." #jobhunt #taxonomy (from wikipedia)

My Top 3 #PNWtech industries: (by NAICS code)
334511 Search, Detection, Navigation, Guidance, Aeronautical, & Nautical System & Instrument Manufacturing
334510 Electromedical & Electrotherapeutic Apparatus Manufacturing 
334118 Computer Terminal & Other Computer Peripheral Equipment Manufacturing
QualityInfo.org search for biomedical companies in Oregon yielded these companies, so I searched to identify their specific product(s), market(s) and business stats. I was able to find contact & career info for most of them.

Cascade Audiometrics Limited
685 NW Melinda Avenue
Portland, OR 97210
(503) 224-8073
Wholesale Medical/ hospital Equipment

transcranial magnetic stimulation
company closed?

noninvasive technology... to help optimize a patient's fluid and perfusion status

designs, develops and commercializes a range of non-invasive technologies used to monitor and interpret brain activity
subsidiary of Philips
500 East 4th Ave. Suite 200, Eugene
Eugene headquarters employs approximately 85 people

arthrostim & vibracussor devices for chiropractors

Inovise Medical, Inc.
8770 SW Nimbus Avenue
Suite D
Beaverton, OR 97008-7196 
(503) 431-3800
Diagnosis and Management of Heart Failure

Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), formerly known as electroshock therapy

equipment, software, supplies and services for the diagnosis, monitoring and treatment of impairments and disorders affecting newborns, the brain, nerves, muscles, balance, mobility and hearing
Internat'l, CA & WA

Pacific Diabetes Technologies
creating an accessible integrated artificial pancreas by combining insulin infusion and sensor chemistry

12154 SW Garden Place
Portland, OR 97223
(503) 847-9170

Parks Medical Electronics, Inc.
world's oldest manufacturer of Doppler Ultrasound Systems
vascular, obstetrical, veterinary
factory address:
19460 SW Shaw St.
Beaverton, OR 


sleep apnea management, oxygen therapy, noninvasive ventilation, and respiratory drug delivery
Seattle, Eugene, Portland, SF


TZ Medical 
developing products for the EP, cardiac, and critical-care medical community
17750 SW Upper Boones Ferry Rd. Ste. 150 
Portland, OR 97224

vidcoinc.com 404

part of the Hill-Rom family of companies, Welch Allyn is headquartered in Skaneateles Falls, N.Y. (USA) and employs more than 2,500 people in 26 different countries.
Welch Allyn Beaverton Development and Technology Center
9525 SW Gemini Drive
Beaverton, OR 97008
800 535 6663



Nicholas (Nick) R. Nelson, vortex expert, author, inventor

Invented a device, the Golden Vortex -- featured on the History Channel program Decoded -- that has been hailed by users for its ability to alleviate health issues. golden vortex device
Author of:
Paradox A Round Trip Through the Bermuda Triangle. 1980, 97 pages
Golden Vortex Conscious Publishing, January 2001 (ISBN: 1929096011, paperback, 392 pages, 9" x 6")
Vortex Field Guide co-author with Dan Shaw, Vortex Research Group, 2004.
A Touch of Gold, 2015, 446 pages
and US Vortexes 54 Miles Wide.


Ley Lines of the British Isles by Barry Shore

Rescued from 


Ley Lines of the British Isles
by Barry Shore


Page Contents


A Geodesic grid formed over the map of England and Wales by a series of Alignments of High Peaks and Prehistoric Standing Stones


Key - Map References

1 Beckhampton Longstone 'Adam'
2 Rollrights King Stone, Oxon
3 Rudston Monolith, Yorks
4 Wardstone Barrow,Dorset
5 Trelew Henge, Cornwall
6 Glastonbury Tor, Somerset
7 Stump Cross, Shepton Mallett
8 Ivinghoe, Chilterns
9 Hopton-on Sea, Suffolk
10 Snaefell, Isle of Man
11 Craigenlee Fell, Galloway
12 Old Sarum, Wilts
13 Boniface Down, Isle of Wight
14 Combe Hill, Beachy Head
15 Helvellyn, High Crag, Cumbria
16 Skiddaw, Cumbria
17 Thursford, Norfolk
18 Foel Cwmcerwyn, Prescelly
19 Lundy Island
20 Dover
21 Prawle Point, Devon
22 Yes Tor, Devon
23 Dunkery Beacon, Somerset
24 Moel Fammau, Clwyd
25 Malvern Worcester Beacon
26 Esgairnantau, Radnor
27 High Seat, North Yorks
28 High Street, Cumbria
29 The Wrekin, Shropshire
30 Scilly Isles
31 Thurcaston Stones, Leicester
32 Carnedd Llewelyn, Snowdonia
33 Stonehenge, Wiltshire
34 Castlerigg Stone Circle, Cumbria
35 Kinder Edge, Waterfall, Derbys
36 Mam Tor, Castleton, Derbys
37 Stanton King Stone, Derbys
38 Inscribed Stone, Anglesey
39 Tower of London, Site of.
40 Duel Stone, Norfolk
41 Mitchells Fold, Shropshire
42 Great Orme, Llandudno.
43 Longstone, Exmoor
44 Oxwich Point, Gower
45 Mynydd Pennant, Cadar Idris
46 Snowdon
47 Standing Stone, Holy Island
48 Standing Stone, Anglesey
49 Long Mynd
50 Brown Clee Hill
51 The Lizard, Cornwell
52 Leith Hill, Surrey
53 Beacon Hill, Hants
54 Swyre Head, Dorset
55 Harwich, Essex
56 Hengistbury Head, Dorset
57 Totland, Isle of Wight

After the last Ice Age, the inhabitants of England first lived a nomadic existence until farming became established. Knowledge of the Geography was instrumental to their survival. The natural method of acquiring this knowledge was to seek the highest vantage point which was clear of obstructions, and observe. Other high points would have been noted, especially distant ones and committed to memory. Eventually, some record of the relationship of these high points would have been made in order to pass on the knowledge. Where alignments crossed, the spot would have been marked with an object which was not easily moved and which could be easily found for future reference, for example, a heavy stone. These alignments would eventually form imaginary triangles over the earth's surface.

In 'Prehistoric England' by Richard Cavendish, there is an illustration of a fish spear, found at Star Carr in North Yorkshire, which is stated to be 10,000 years old. It has ten barbs, each barb being equi-distant from the adjacent one. From a practical point of view, the accuracy of the design and construction is immaterial, thus the maker set out the barb increments purely for personal satisfaction. From this point it is but a short step to the appreciation and application of scale, and applying the knowledge to the surveying and recording of the layout of the land.

By the use of a simple surveying instrument, the plane table, in essence a flat piece of slate and a scriber, the distance of far objects could be estimated, a practice which has been used for Gunnery Ranging for the last 500 years, and was probably used by the Romans for their missile engines.

Using modern surveyors' Ranging Poles, it is possible, with care, to obtain an accuracy of alignment of 1cm in 100m or 1m in 1km. The same technology and accuracy was available to Neolithic man.

Twenty or so alignments, all interrelated, have been delineated forming a national geodesic grid. Alignments of intermediate stations are accurate to within 100m. Accurate positioning of the Primary Nodes are paramount, as the displacement of only one causes the whole grid system to break down.

Ideally, on long alignments, to promote accuracy and to reduce labour, intermediate sights should be at the limits of vision, and selection of stations at the maximum elevation is necessary. Station distances of up to 50 miles overland are possible. Direct sighting of Boniface Down I.O.W. at 700 ft can be made from Beachy Head, also at 700ft, a distance of 65 mls, before the horizon intrudes. In 1997 Proof calculations and actual sighting was made of Carnedd Llewellyn in Snowdonia and Moel Fammau in Clwyd from Primary Node Point Helvellyn (High Crag) NY34351365. Direct sighting of Snaefell I.O.M. was interrupted by Great Gable.


There is a generally known alignment, previously published, known as the Lands End/Lowestoft Line. The stated sites on this alignment have varied, depending on the particular author. My version described as Lands End/Hopton on Sea is listed later. It is intersected at the site of the large Beckhampton Longstone 'Adam' SU08986930 by the Rudstone/Wardstone alignment.

The alignment Snaefell (SC39755812) on the Isle of Man/Boniface Down on the Isle of Wight (SZ57017865) not only Intersects Lands End/Hopton, at Beckhampton Longstone 'Adam', but is at right angles to it to within 3 minutes of a degree of arc.

A further twenty or so alignments are listed, conforming to the Peaks/monolith Markstones formulae. Beckhampton Longstone 'Adam' features often and appears to be the site main Datum Point. This Datum reference was also used by the Romano British during the Roman Occupation, hence the Web Site address.



Trelew Henge - SW420272
Hensbarrow Beacon - SX000581
The Hurlers, Stone Circles - SX259718
Rillaton Barrow - SX260719
High Willhays (621m) - SX580889
Glastonbury Tor (Sculpted Hill)* - ST51233861
Stump Cross, Shepton Mallett* - ST59854314
Beckhampton Longstone 'Adam'** - SU089693
Letcombe Bassett (238m) - SU370842
Ivinghoe* - SP959156
Great Chishill - TL425404
Tan Office Green - TL770588
Hopton-on-Sea, Lowestoft (Coast) - TM537996

(2) BONIFACE DOWN, Isle of Wight - SNAEFELL, Isle of Man

Boniface Down, Isle of Wight* (236m) - SZ57017865
Horseshoe Hill, Hants (153m) - SU279335
Beacon Hill, Hants (152m) - SU215455
Knap Hill (261m) - SU121635
Beckhampton Longstone 'Adam'** - SU089693
Gloucester - SO826189
Long Mynd (516m) - SO422950
Moel Morfydd - SJ155453
Kinmel Bay (Coast) - SH971800
Snaefell, Isle of Man* (621m) - SC39758812
Mull of Galloway* NX085469
Craigenlee Fell, Rhinns of Galloway - NX025580


Wardstone Barrow, Dorset** (178m) - SY79358150
Win Green (277m) - ST926207
White Sheet Hill (242m) - ST937238
Chilmark Down (196m) - ST976358
Urchfont Hill (213m) - SU043554
Tumulus (245m) - SU075648
Beckhampton Longstone 'Adam'** - SU089693
Rollright King Stone* - SP297310
Bishops Itchington (123m) - SP385981
Venonae (Site of) - SP489878
Wauldby, S.Yorks - SE969298
Rudston Monolith** - TR097678

**Cross Alignments (Primary Node)
* Cross Alignments

It will be noted that these three Alignments intersect at The Beckhampton Long Stone 'Adam' SU089693 and that the Lands End - Lowestoft alignment is perpendicular to the Isle of Wight - Isle of Man alignment within three minutes of a degree of arc.
Twenty five alignments, all interrelated, have been delineated forming a national geodesic grid. Alignments of intermediate stations are accurate to within 100m. Accurate positioning of the Primary Nodes are paramount, as the displacement of only one causes the whole grid system to break down.

Beckhampton 'Adam' ** - SU089693
Cleeve Hill [177m] - SU105555
Stonehenge - SU12264220
Hengistbury Head - SZ195910
**Cross Alignments, Primary Node

Beckhampton Longstone 'Adam' ** - SU089693
Tan Hill - SU081647
Urchfont Down - SU645550
Yarnbury Castle - SU039404
Chiselbury Camp - SU01832800
Badbury Rings - ST975030
Kimmeridge, Swyre Head - SZ93357850
**Cross Alignments Datum Point

H/Tan < = 0.4521885 [24.331936deg]
Combe Hill, Beachy Head, Sussex [201m] ** - TQ57400215
Wilmington Long Man - TQ543035
Firle Beacon [217m] - TQ486061
Ditchling Beacon [248m] - TQ332131
The Sanctuary, Avebury - SU890331
Longstones, Beckhampton 'Adam' ** - SU089693
* Cross Alignments
**Cross Alignments, Primary Node

V/Tan< = 0.542043 [28.459522deg]
Combe Hill, Beachy Head - TQ57400215
Ivinghoe * - SP959156
Gib Hill, Derbyshire - SK158634
Arbor Low Henge - SK160635
Bull Ring Mound - SK078781
Bull Ring Henge - SK079782
Hameldon Hill - SD806292
Bowland Forest Peak - SD648576
Wansfell Pike, Cumbria [482m] - NY395041
Low Pike [518m] - NY374080
Fairfield [762m] - NY358110
Dollywagon Pike [856m] - NY347130
Helvellyn High Crag [869m] ** - NY34351365
Castlerigg Henge - NY292236
Little Man [865m] - NY267278
Skiddaw [931m] - NY260290
Binsey [447m] - NY225355
* Cross Alignments
**Cross Alignments Primary Node

Combe Hill, Beachy Head * - TQ57400215
Kithurst Hill [213m] - TQ080124
Butser Hill [270m] - SU720200
Old Sarum - SU138320
Maiden Bradley
Stump Cross, Shepton Mallett * - ST59854315
* Cross Alignments

H/Tan < = 0.6750311 [34.020576deg]
Bunkers Hill, Lowestoft - TG500006
Duel Stone, Norwich - TG153240
Thursford, Norfolk * - TF99403473
Skegness - TF573631
Stump Cross Caverns,Yorks - SD081639
Wold Fell, Whernside [557m] - NY780842
Risehill [556m] - NY700896
Helvellyn (High Crag) [869m] ** - NY34351365
Hobcarton End [613m] - NY19572365
* Cross Alignments
**Cross Alignments, Primary Node

V/Tan < = 0.4410047 [23.797708deg]
Foel Cwmcerwyn [536m] * - SN097310
Carnedd Llewllyn [1062m] - SH68576450
Great Orme, Llandudno * - SH768832
Coniston Old Man, Cumbria [803m] - SD23759780
Helvellyn, High Crag [869m] ** - NY34351365
* Cross Alignments
**Cross Alignments, Primary Node

HELVELLYN, High Crag (NY34351365) - SNAEFELL, Isle of Man (SC39758812)
Helvellyn High Crag ** - NY34351365
Great Gable (900m) - NY21001005
Seatallan (722m) - NY140082
Snaefell, Isle of Man - SC39758812
**Cross Alignments, Primary Node

LUNDY ISLAND (SS13504316) - DOVER (TR32334311)
H/Tan < = 0.0001117 [0.0064053deg]
Lundy Isle, Shutter Point - SS13504316
Longstone, Exmoor - SS70504315
Stump Cross, Shepton Mallett * - ST59854314
Cotley Hill - ST92004313
Woodhenge - SU15014400
Leith Hill - Q13604312
Dover - TR32334311
* Cross Alignments

V/Tan < = 0.3434894 [18.957056deg]
Prawle Point ** - SX76443670
Yes Tor, Dartmooor [619m] - SX581901
Foel Cwmcerwyn, Prescelly Mountains [536m] * - SN097310
* Cross Alignments
**Cross Alignments, Primary Node

V/Tan < = 0.4342948 [23.475059deg]
Prawle Point,Devon * - SX76453656
Winsford Hill [427m] - SS883341
Dunkery Beacon [519m] - SS892416
Hurlstone Point, Devon - SS90124915
Myndd Maesteg [457m] - T953919
Brecon Beacons [610m] - SO990215
Red Lion Hill, Powys [493m] - SO056764
Myndd Tarw [640m] - SJ125325
Moel Fferna [610m] - SJ134392
Moel Famau [554m] - SJ161630
Helvellyn, High Crag ** - NY34351365
* Cross Alignments
**Cross Alignments, Primary Node

H/Tan< = 0.2698863 [15.103506deg]
Rollrights (King Stone) ** - SP297310
Broadway Hill - SP115359
Bredon Hill (Banbury Stone) - SO956402
Malvern Worcester Beacon [425m] - SO76904525
Kington - SO280585
Esgairnantau * - SO184610
* Cross Alignments
**Cross Alignments, Primary Node

ROLLRIGHTS KING STONE (SP297310) - HOLY ISLAND, Standing Stone, Anglesey (SH251809)
Rollrights King Stone - SP297310
Snowdon [1085m] - SH609547
Anglesey, Standing Stone - SH40686929
Holy Island, Anglesey, Standing Stone - SH251809
**Cross Alignments, Primary Node

V/Tan = 0.860606 [40.715484deg]
Rollrights King Stone** - SP297310
The Wrekin - SJ633082
Moel Famau - SJ161630
Isle of Man - SC215729
**Cross Alignments, Primary Node

RUDSTON MONOLITH (TR097678) - HELVELLYN [HighCrag] (NY34351365)
H/Tan < = 0.261477 [14.653457deg]
Rudston Monolith, Yorks ** - TA097678
Sutton Bank, Hambleton Hills - SE514830
High Seat, Pennines [710m] - NY812012
High Street, Cumbria [829m] - NY440111
Helvellyn High Crag [869m] ** - NY34351365
* Cross Alignments
**Cross Alignments, Primary Node

SCILLY ISLES (Bant Carn) (SV910126)
V/Tan < = 0.9198154 [42.608327deg]
Rudston Monolith ** - TA097678
Great Longstone
The Wrekin (Sculpted Hill) [407m] * - SJ629082
Radnor Waterfall * - SO18445987
Moel Feity [591m] - SN850235
Lundy Isle - SS138461
Scilly Isles, (Bant Carn) *** - SV910126
* Cross Alignments
** Cross Alignments, Primary Node
***No direct sight from Lundy to Scillies under present conditions

V Tan < = 0.5968346 [30.830214deg]
Skiddaw [931m] - NY25942901
Castlerigg Stone Circle - NY29132367
Helvellyn [950m] - NY34201516
White Hill, Forest of Bowland - SD679588
Saddleworth Moor - SD300000
Kinder Plateau, Featherbed Top - SK081915
Kinder Edge Waterfall - SK095892
Mam Tor [518m] - SK128837
High Rake [315m] - SK161780
Rolley Low [395m] - SK190732
Great Longstone
King Stone, Stanton Moor - SK24836346
Bonsall - SK280582
Black Rocks, Cromford - SK294558
River Trent [Cavendish Bridge] - SK44782990
Thurcaston Stones, Leicester * - SK56501035
River Soar, Leicester - SK58740650
Luton - TL098210
River Thames [Tower of London] - TQ340804
Tunbridge Wells - TQ586392
South Coast [St Leonards] - TQ768087
*Alignment crossing Rudstone/Wardstone alignment

WARDSTONE, Dorset (SY79358150) - ANGLESEY, Inscribed Standing Stone (SH356746)
Wardstone, Chaldon Down, Dorset ** - SY79358150
Glastonbury Tor - ST513815
Pynlimon [807m] - SN788866
Cadair Idris [622m] - SH665116
Inscribed Standing Stone, Anglesey - SH356746
**Cross Alignments, Primary Node

H/Tan < = 0.5663757 [29.526164deg]
Wardstone, Chaldon Down, Dorset ** - SY79358150
Maiden Castle,Dorset - SY670885
Nine Stones Circle - Y611901
Eggardon Hill, Dorset - Y551952
Lewesdon Hill, Dorset - T436017
Buckland Hill, Somerset [279m] - T164172
Haddon Hill, Somerset [355m] - S961286
Winsford Hill, Somerset [428m] - S872337
Pinkworthy Pond, Somerset [487m] - SS727419
Longstone, Exmoor, Devon * - SS70504315
Coast [349m] - S621479
* Cross Alignments
**Cross Alignments, Primary Node

V/Tan < = 0.343318 [18.948273deg]
Wardstone Barrow, Dorset ** - SY79358150
Plush,Dorset Downs - ST647243
Pen Hill Long Barrow [305m] - ST563487
Devils Punchbowl, Somerset - ST54585365
Priddy Circles - ST540528
Radnor Waterfall * - SO18115987
Great Orme, Llandudno * - SH753845
Snaefell, Isle of Man* - SC39758812
* Cross Alignments
**Cross Alignments, Primary Node

V/Tan < = 0.8691275 [40.994803deg]
Wardstone Barrow, Chaldon Down ** - SY79358150
Woolsbarrow Down - SY894931
Knowlton Rings - U024100
Wick Down, Hants - SU141215
Beacon Hill, Hants - SU452573
Ivinghoe - SP959156
Luton Henge - TL061245
Thursford, Norfolk - TF99403473
* Cross Alignments
**Cross Alignments, Primary Node

No definite conclusion was reached on the research. Many of the alignments feature the highest, or second highest peak of each group of hills e.g. High Willhays on Dartmoor, Dunkery Beacon on Exmoor, Foel Cwmcerwyn in the Prescelly Mountains, Snowdon and Carnedd Llewellyn in Snowdonia, Skiddaw, Helvellyn and Great Gable in Cumbria, Moel Fammau in Clwyd, The Wrekin and Leith Hill, and the alignment 'anchored' by at least one monolith. Alignments pass close to, but not through, the majority of all documented Henges, except for the Avebury complex and Castlerigg, Cumbria, where they cross the sites. With the abundance of alignments, this might be expected.

The Beachy Head to Helvellyn High Crag alignment is interesting in that it passes through Mounds associated with The Bull Ring and Arbor Low Henges.

It may be significant that the intersection of many of the alignments occur on the highest point nearest the coast. This, one would attempt to achieve on the layout of a Triangulation Survey.

So, are these Alignments purely co-incidental? If not, how were they plotted? It is left for readers to check the National Grid References to prove that they are not 'fudged' and to form their own opinions.