
How to Investigate Paranormal Vortexes

by Dan Shaw

Investigating Paranormal Vortexes
by Dan Shaw

As a Vortex Detective, I investigate paranormal places, similar to the Bermuda Triangle. Sometimes I'm asked about mysterious events, such as famous disappearances, for example in Yosemite and Alaska. What actions can we take to map and measure vortex energies at a site, especially a site where anomalous phenomena have occurred? My "Vortex Effect" hypothesis suggests that electromagnetic energies of many types influence our physiology, our psyche, our perceptions, and our electronic devices. Here are a number of ways I may investigate a site to establish the nature of the vortex energies.

  1. Dowse with pendulum and / or rods. Use a dowsing chart. Dowsers locate water, minerals, lost objects, and ley lines. Dowse remotely using Map Dowsing.
  2. Deviceless dowsing. Contemplation. Self-observation. What am I feeling in my body? Warmth? Elation? Tingling? Tightness? Where? Vortexes often correspond with a chakra. At the Fissures in Yosemite, I felt energy in my throat. I saw a marriage proposal, also associated with throat / speech.
  3. Analyze air currents. Study wind maps. On a small scale, use a smoke pen.
  4. Dream analysis. Monitor REM sleep with alarm to wake up and record dreams. Many traditions including the Bible suggest dreaming at sacred sites.
  5. Analyze magnetic maps. Various types of magnetic maps show different parts of the magnetic field. For example, where magnetic intensity changes rapidly over distance, we see a component known as magnetic slope.
  6. Observe compass and dip needle. Dip needle shows the vertical component of the magnetic field. Do these readings change over time?
  7. Measure electrical currents in the soil. (Recommend: finderskeepersusa.com)
  8. Ground-penetrating radar. (Recommend merlinburrows.com)
  9. Check Seismic Survey data.
  10. Acoustic survey and analysis. Calculate resonant frequencies of enclosed spaces.
  11. Observe plant growth. Do trees bend, twist, spiral, or branch in unusual ways? Rare plants indicate unique soil types.
  12. Observe animal behavior. Absence? Abundance? Occurrence of rare animals may indicate a vortex. Observe any animal paths, these tend to follow energy lines.
  13. Air photo analysis. Evidence of circles or half-circles? Circumference of 54 feet or miles, or multiples? See US Vortexes 54 Miles Wide.
  14. Check Aeronautic Chart for magnetic disturbances.
  15. Neurofeedback devices such as Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) may show alterations in brain activity at vortex points.
  16. Drumming, ceremonies, clearing energies
  17. Kirlian photography. Aura photos may show the human energy field affected when entering a Vortex.
  18. Radio frequency sweep. Do radios function the same inside and outside the area of interest? Are there radio dead zones? Where?
  19. Time-slip experiment. Two synchronized watches keep time together. Bring one into the Vortex. After a period of a week, are the two timepieces still synchronized? See the Vortex Field Guide.
  20. Gauss Meter. Does magnetism spike in certain areas?
  21. Electrosmog Meter. Are man-made frequencies polluting the site?
  22. Magnetometer. Magnetometer surveys at Vortexes show a statistically significant variation in magnetic intensity in an area of just a couple feet. See Vortex Field Guide.
  23. Study geologic maps. Evidence of ore and mineral deposits? Faults? Electrical discontinuities? Underground water?
  24. Feng shui bagua analysis.
  25. Vastu (Vedic) site analysis.
  26. At a genuine vortex we observe the "shrink and grow" phenomenon. A person appears taller or shorter depending on where they are standing relative to the vortex "line of demarcation." If this apparent change in height is due to differences in air density, that is, refraction, then we should be able to see these differences in air density using Schlieren photography.
  27. Measurements over time, especially during Full, Quarter and New Moons, Eclipses, Solstices and Equinoxes. What geophysical factors fluctuate over time? How significant, and how fast are these fluctuations?

To investigate events in the past, we can assess other factors.
  1. Analyze horoscope at location and time of event.
  2. Check solar weather at time of event.
  3. Check earthquakes worldwide at time of event.
  4. Analyze time cycles: 7 days, 40 years +/- one day. What other cataclysmic events occurred on the same day in history (+/- one day)? Extreme weather, etc.

I'd love to have the opportunity to interview various experts, here are some sample questions.
    • volcanologist. What affect do volcanoes and lava fields have on the magnetic field?
    • seismologist. Can we measure fleeting energy discharges in the air above faults?
    • geophysicist. Can magnetic storms generate a 'rogue wave'?
    • magneto-biologist. Demonstrate magneto-reception in birds, bees, fish, and bacteria, and the possibility in humans.
    • oceanographer. Explain varying electric currents in a column of seawater at different depths, different temperature, salinity, dissolved solids, etc.
    • Plasma physicist. Describe the cumulative effect of numerous electrical currents flowing in various directions, for example, in seawater and in the atmosphere. Is it possible that Birkeland currents (or related currents) could affect aircraft?

A few illustrations to accompany this text can be found at

1 comment:

Spacetrace said...

Is a paranormal vortex located in a Geopathic stress zone ?